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Chen Jianfang,Jin Haiyan,Yin Kedong,Li Yan. 2003. Variation of reactivity of particulate and sedimentary organic matter along the Zhujiang River Estuary. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, (4):557-568
Variation of reactivity of particulate and sedimentary organic matter along the Zhujiang River Estuary
Variation of reactivity of particulate and sedimentary organic matter along the Zhujiang River Estuary
Received:April 06, 2003  Revised:October 12, 2003
Key words:Organic matter  reactivity  amino acids  the Zhujiang River Estuary
中文关键词:  Organic matter  reactivity  amino acids  the Zhujiang River Estuary
基金项目:This research was supported by the Jacky Club of Hong Kong(prepp Project),NKBRSF Project under contract No.G200078500 and National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No40106004
Author NameAffiliation
Chen Jianfang Key Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences of State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou 310012, China
Laboratory of Regional Oceanography, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Aedministration, Hangzhou, 310012, China 
Jin Haiyan Key Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences of State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou 310012, China
Laboratory of Regional Oceanography, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Aedministration, Hangzhou, 310012, China 
Yin Kedong Department of Biology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong 
Li Yan Key Laboratory of Submarine Geosciences of State Oceanic Administration, Hangzhou 310012, China
Laboratory of Regional Oceanography, Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Aedministration, Hangzhou, 310012, China 
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      To investigate organic matter source and reactivity in the Zhujiang River(Pearl River) Estuary and its adjacent areas,particulate organic carbon(POC),particulate hydrolysable amino acids(PHAA),and Chl a during two cruises in July 1999 and July 2000 were measured.The highest POC and PHAA concentration was observed in the waters with maximum Chl a.The spectra distribution,relative content(dry weight in milligram per gram),PHAA-C% POC and other indicators such as the ratios of amino acids vs.amino sugars(AA/AS) and glucosamine vs.galactosamine(Glum/Gal) suggested that particulate amino acids in the water column and sediments in the Zhujiang River Estuary were mainly derived from biogenic processes rather than transported from terrestrial erosion.In inner estuary where high turbidity was often observable,organic matter was mainly contributed by re-suspension of bottom sediments with revealed zooplankton,microbial reworked characteristics,which suggest that these organic matters were relatively "old".In the estuarine brackish region,organic matter in water column is mainly contributed by relatively fresh,easily degradable phytoplankton derived organic matter.During physical-biological processes within the eastuary,organic matter derived from phytoplankton was subjected to alteration by zooplankton grazing and bacterial reworking.
      To investigate organic matter source and reactivity in the Zhujiang River(Pearl River) Estuary and its adjacent areas,particulate organic carbon(POC),particulate hydrolysable amino acids(PHAA),and Chl a during two cruises in July 1999 and July 2000 were measured.The highest POC and PHAA concentration was observed in the waters with maximum Chl a.The spectra distribution,relative content(dry weight in milligram per gram),PHAA-C% POC and other indicators such as the ratios of amino acids vs.amino sugars(AA/AS) and glucosamine vs.galactosamine(Glum/Gal) suggested that particulate amino acids in the water column and sediments in the Zhujiang River Estuary were mainly derived from biogenic processes rather than transported from terrestrial erosion.In inner estuary where high turbidity was often observable,organic matter was mainly contributed by re-suspension of bottom sediments with revealed zooplankton,microbial reworked characteristics,which suggest that these organic matters were relatively "old".In the estuarine brackish region,organic matter in water column is mainly contributed by relatively fresh,easily degradable phytoplankton derived organic matter.During physical-biological processes within the eastuary,organic matter derived from phytoplankton was subjected to alteration by zooplankton grazing and bacterial reworking.
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