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Shen Shoupeng,Wu Baoling. 1991. A new family of polychaeta-Euniphysidae. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, (1):129-140
A new family of polychaeta-Euniphysidae
A new family of polychaeta-Euniphysidae
Received:February 06, 1990  Revised:October 03, 1990
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Author NameAffiliation
Shen Shoupeng South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, Guangzhou, China 
Wu Baoling First Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration, Qingdao, China 
Hits: 1317
Download times: 668
      Euniphysa,originally a genus of the family Eunicidae,was erected by Wesenberg-Lund in 1949,and for a longtime there has been only one species in this genus.The present report is based on our samples collected from the South China Sea,and we consider that the differences between Euniphysa and Eunice are very significant:Five occipital tentacles distributed unequidistantly; the jaw consists of 6 pairs of maxillary plates; the body may be divided into anterior region and posterior region,etc.Therefore we suggest that Euniphysa should be separated from Eunicidae,and become a new family Euniphysi-dae.At present this family includes 3 genera,namely,Euniphysa,Paraeuniphysa and 1 new genira Heterophysa; Totally there are 7 species,including 3 new species and 1 new combination species.
      Euniphysa,originally a genus of the family Eunicidae,was erected by Wesenberg-Lund in 1949,and for a longtime there has been only one species in this genus.The present report is based on our samples collected from the South China Sea,and we consider that the differences between Euniphysa and Eunice are very significant:Five occipital tentacles distributed unequidistantly; the jaw consists of 6 pairs of maxillary plates; the body may be divided into anterior region and posterior region,etc.Therefore we suggest that Euniphysa should be separated from Eunicidae,and become a new family Euniphysi-dae.At present this family includes 3 genera,namely,Euniphysa,Paraeuniphysa and 1 new genira Heterophysa; Totally there are 7 species,including 3 new species and 1 new combination species.
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